Very handy test kit to test microbial contamination in the fueltanks.

We recently use a very handy testkit to check the microbial contamination inside the fueltanks of the 737. This test is done duringĀ  a c-check and in the past we had to collect fuelsamples and send them to an expensive test-lab to get the results, after 1 or 2 days. Now we use a testkit named FUELSTAT RESINAE PLUS from Conidia which gives us a quick result on the fuelsamples taken from each fueltank. The testkit has a sample bottle and a test-paddle. This paddle gives you the result within 10 minutes ! Full description and usage of this kit can be found on the website of Conidia at See the animation video below for a short impression.


conidia kit 2

conidia kit1

conidia test paddle

conidia testkit



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