Manual movement of leading edge flaps/slats with an external pump 737-3/4/500

When the aircraft has no electrical / hydraulic power available due to maintenance, it is still possible to move the leading edge flaps and slats fully up or down. This could be necessary for slat-adjustments or when the engine t/r’s have to be opened. 

All you need is an external (hand)pump filled with hydraulic fluid and 2 hoses. 

The leading edge connections are shown in the first picture. The second picture shows how to connect the external pump on these connections in the wing root. 

To extend all LE devices DOWN, put the pressure on the STANDBY PRESS line.  To retract all LE devices UP, put the pressure on the PRESS line. It may be necessary to loosen the two lines in between (intermediate and full down lines) a little, to prevent a hydraulic lock. 

(For Next Generation 737, see item 17 in this chapter).



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