Left brake grabs or chatters during normal braking. 737-3/4/500

Left brake grabs or chatters during normal braking
Possible Fix:
Replace alternate brake selector valve
During taxing, normal brake application aircraft pulled to the left. With A or B hydraulic pressure isolated, left brake
still pulled during application. When pressure gauges were installed at the brakes, the pressures indicated indicated
normal on all brakes.
On the troubleshooting tree it shows a block for Brake pedal vibration/ kick-back during braking and leads you to the
Alternate Brake selector valve. Thou on this aircraft it did not have those conditions, after replacing and eliminating
many components, the Alternate brake selector valve was replaced and it corrected the problem.

Fleet Type: 300/500
Applicable Reference:
SSM32-40-00 AMM32-41-00-101

Thanks to Tom S. for his input !


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